Ford Motor Company undertook a major retooling and upgrade project at the Livonia Transmission Plant beginning in the Fall of 2015. General Contractor Commercial Contracting Corporation awarded the $10.5 million in electrical work to Williams Electrical and Telecommunications Co. and its strategic partner Motor City Electric Co.

This plant refurbishment project supported changes to the 6R and 10R transmissions and service components for the 2017 model year. The 3.3 million sq. ft. facility is the largest transmission plant in the North America so maintaining the project schedule was critical.

The work proceeded through multiple shutdowns until completion in the Spring of 2017. Shutdown phases required upfront planning and coordination to meet power-on dates to allow plant personnel time for programming and tool verification.

The scope of work included installation of new body shop tooling in both the existing plant areas and new additions and retooling and kitting existing tooling lines. This includes power for robotics, conveyors, tools, and other key processes in the plant.